Estava compartilhando lembranças do passado com a "maria" e havia me esquecido completamente de uma viagem que eu fiz há algum tempo. Foi daquelas viagens, que me fez ver que tinha um mundo além do "park*city". Tinha acabado de começar a faculdade, ainda estava naquela fase de "quem sou eu?" "o que eu quero?" "para onde eu vou?" "e se?"..perdida.. Bom, a única coisa que eu tinha certeza depois desta viagem era - EU QUERO VIAJAR O MUNDO!
Começou em Londres, Holanda e Paris.
English version
"it has been a while, but it looks like it was yesterday..."
I was sharing some memories with a friend and I have completly forgotten about a trip I did quite a few years ago. It was one of those trips that made me see that there was more out there than my home street. I just started university at that time, I was in that time of life where you ask "who am I?" "what do I want?" "where am I going?" "what if?"...just lost...Well, the only thing I was sure after this mini journey was - I WANT TO TRAVEL THE WORLD!
It started in London, Holland, then Paris.