Wednesday, 21 September 2011

além da burca, behind the burqa

Onde muitas vezes eu dizia, nunca isto ou nunca aquilo, aqui me provei ao contrário.
Muitos pensam que o Irã é um lugar que só têm bombardeio, que as pessoas debaixo do véu ou burca, não são felizes, que é somente um país pobre, etc. Este país têm suas riquezas, as mulheres mesmo usando véu ou burca podem ser felizes, as crianças brincam no quintal, nunca presenciei um bombardeio, no inverno você sente aquele floquinho de neve cair no teu rosto, na primavera você ver flores radiando de cores vivas, no verão você ver o nascer-do-sol e pôr-do-sol mais lindo do ano, no outono você ver as folhas amareladas das árvores voar em torno de você.
O Islamismo têm seus costumes, tradições e sua forma de julgar justiça e injustiça. Como muitos outros países, têm amor/ódio, felicidade/tristeza, riqueza/pobreza, fidelidade/adultério, lealdade/corrupção, entre outros....porém o que muitos não sabem é que por trás da burca, têm uma história...


English version

Where many times I said, "never this" or "never that", here I proved myself that "never say never".
Many people think that Iran is a place of bomb attacks, women under the veil or burqa are not happy, that it is just a poor country, etc. This country has its own values, women can be happy even wearing veil or burqa, children play in their garden, in winter you feel the snow flakes falling on your face, in spring you see gorgeous colourfull flowers, in summer you see the most beautiful sunrise and sunset of the year, in autumn you see the yellow leaves falling around you.
Islam has its own costum, tradition and its own way of judging justice and injustice.
As many other countries, it has love/hate, happiness/sadness, richness/poorness, fidelity/adultery, loyalty/corruption, etc...therefore, what many don't know is that there is a story behind the burqa...

 Photo by Sasan

 Photo by Arash

...And Rustem, when he heard him, and looked upon him, was seized with misgiving, and he learned to know fear. So he prayed to Ormuzd that He would restore to him the power He had taken back. But he suffered not Sohrab to behold his fears, and they made them ready for the fight. And he closed upon Sohrab with all his new-found might, and shook him terribly, and though Sohrab returned his attacks with vigour, the hour of his overthrow was come. For Rustem took him by the girdle and hurled him unto the earth, and he broke his back like to a reed, and he drew forth his sword to sever his body. Then Sohrab knew it was the end, and he gave a great sigh, and writhed in his agony, and he said-

"That which is come about, it is my fault, and henceforward will my youth be a theme of derision among the people. But I sped not forth for empty glory, but I went out to seek my father; for my mother had told me by what tokens I should know him, and I perish for longing after him. And now have my pains been fruitless, for it hath not been given unto me to look upon his face. Yet I say unto thee, if thou shouldest become a fish that swimmeth in the depths of the ocean, if thou shouldest change into a star that is concealed in the farthest heaven, my father would draw thee forth from thy hiding-place, and avenge my death upon thee when he shall learn that the earth is become my bed. For my father is Rustem the Pehliva, and it shall be told unto him how that Sohrab his son perished in the quest after his face."

When Rustem heard these words his sword fell from out of his grasp, and he was shaken with dismay. And there broke from his heart a groan as of one whose heart was racked with anguish. And the earth became dark before his eyes, and he sank down lifeless beside his son. But when he had opened his eyes once more, he cried unto Sohrab in the agony of his spirit. And he said-

"Bearest thou about thee a token of Rustem, that I may know that the words which thou speakest are true? For I am Rustem the unhappy, and may my name be struck from the lists of men!"
Stretch of The Epic of Kings (Shahnameh): Hero Tales of Ancient Persia, - Chapter 8 - Rustem and Sohrab, created by Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi

Thursday, 15 September 2011

doce amor, sweet love ♥

O que é amor - (Arlindo Cruz)

"Se perguntar o que é o amor pra mim
não sei responder
não sei explicar
mas sei que o amor nasceu dentro de mim
me fez renascer, me fez despertar....
...quando a gente ama, brilha mais que o sol
é muita luz, é emoção
o amor
quando a gente ama, é o clarão do luar
que vem abençoar o nosso amor...."


"If they ask me what is love
I don't know how to answer
I don't know how to explain
but I do know that love was born in me
made me revive, made me awake...
...when we love, it shines more than the sun
é too much shine, its emotion
the love
when we love, it's the shine of the moon
that comes to bless our love..."

A casa da mesma forma que à 20 anos atrás, o mesmo cheiro, o mesmo piso, mesmos quadros, mesmas fotos, mesmos rabiscos debaixo da mesa da cozinha, até o mesmo vizinho...tudo parecia quase tão perfeitamente igual há 20 anos atrás, apenas sentia a falta de duas coisas - tata e tweetie pie. Sentia que a casa estava menor, mas na verdade era eu que estava mais alta. Foi tudo uma sensação estranha, mas boa.
As amizades que eu tinha ali, pareciam se fortalecer, outras fraquecerem, se tornarem mais do que simplesmente amizade...Eu aprendi muito sobre amizade também, como é importante estar ao lado daqueles no momento mais feliz da vida deles. A diferença que você poderá fazer na vida de alguém apenas estando ali segurando sua mão, lhe dando um abraço, comemorando juntos...Participei de dois momentos mais importantes e maravilhosos da minha vida, e da vida deles: o aniversário da Tayla (filha da minha melhor amiga de infância) e o casamento da Jaqueline (melhor amiga de infância).

Uma viagem que falarei mais sobre o amor. Histórias de amor de adolescente, amor de menina do interior com o garoto da base americana, amor entre dois amigos. Presenciei aqueles famosos ditados de amor: "tudo acontece na hora certa com a pessoa certa", "o amor supera tudo", "por amor é capaz de atravessar o mundo", etc...

Eu adorei ver como o amor é forte, como traz felicidade, serenidade, união, prazer maior de viver a vida, querer olhar nos olhos, como se estivesse olhando a janela da alma, não precisar dizer nada e saberem o que está sentindo, pensando. Sabemos que o amor é algo invisível, porém amar alguém fica visível, te traz sorrisos à toa, brilho nos o amor é tanta coisa, é simplesmente lindo...

English version

The house was as 20 years ago, same smell, same floor cracking noise, same pictures, same photos, same drawing and writings under the kitchen table, even the same neighbor… everything seemed perfectly the same, except “tata” and “tweetie pie”. I felt like the house was smaller, but it was me that was taller. It was a weird feeling, but a good weird.

The friendship I have there seems that would become stronger or weaker, while others became more than just a friendship…I learnt a lot about friendship also, how important it is to be there for them, even in happy or sad moments of their lives. Even though just holding their hands, giving a big teddy hug, celebrating together.. I shared the most amazing and important moments for me and them, Tayla's 3rd birthday, first time I was there to celebrate together (daughter of my best friend, Claire) and Jaqueline's wedding (childhood best friend). I am very greatfull for being there, wouldn't have missed it for anything.

It was a trip that I am definitely going to talk more about Love. Love stories like, teenager love, the love between the country girl and the boy from the American base, love between friends. I was able to see with all of them those famous sayings like, “everything happens in the right time with the right person”, “love beats anything”, “for love you can travel around the world”…

I loved the fact that I could see how Love is strong, how much happiness, serenity, union, pleasure of living life, looking in someone eyes to see the window of their soul and not Just its colour. We know love is something invisible, but loving someone is so visible, you smile for nothing, shine in your eyes…Oh Love! Love is so much to say about, it is just so beautiful.

Abaixo estão as fotos tiradas durante minha jornada na Inglaterra.
Here are some pictures during the journey in England. I guess some only because wouldn't like to invade others privacy.

"... E o mais bonito foi quando ela descobriu que podia ouvir e entender estrelas.
Só quem ama pode..." (Caio Fernando Abreu)

Quero desejar o melhor, muitos anos de amor e felicidade aos casais pré-casados/noivos...
Si & Bilo
Claire & Barry
Jeca & Corey


“...And the most beautiful was when she found out she could hear and understand the stars. Only who loves can…” (Caio Fernando Abreu)

I would like to wish the best, lots of happiness and many years of Love to the pre-married/engaged couples…
Si & Bilo
Claire & Barry
Jackie & Corey